Nomachine ubuntu 20.04
Nomachine ubuntu 20.04

nomachine ubuntu 20.04

If you decide to try again maybe knowing about the logon and - issue will be enough to get you over the hurdle. With all the versions of Hyper-V, Ubuntu, XRDP, and the Pusleaudio plug-in, it is difficult to write instructions that cover every scenario. If you right click on the VM in the Hyper-V manager you should see an option to “Edit Session Settings” that will give you the controls again. The other tip I can give you is that usually when you only get prompted to configure the RDP client once it is because the “save these settings for all sessions” box was checked. This is the wiki for the plug-in itself, you might find some useful info there: Thanks for letting me know about that line not working. I plan on updating the post with both of these pieces of info. Pulseaudio runs as a daemon in the user space and it doesn’t work with auto logon. The other issue I know about from working with someone else, is that you cannot have your virtual machine configured to automatically logon. If you build a new VM and still end up with 13.99.2 it would be: “cd /tmp/pulseaudio-13.99.2”. If fixing the dash doesn’t let the line work, you should be able to change the next line to manually go to the correct directory. It is doing it to me as well and I haven’t figured out why yet. The windows clipboard or WordPress is doing something odd to that line when you copy and paste it. There should be a double dash before the version number. I noticed in your comment that it shows as pulsever=$(pulseaudio –version | awk ‘’). The pulsever line is creating a variable that contains the pulseaudio version number so that the next line can change to the correct directory. I ran through the instructions as I posted them again to make sure I didn’t miss something. It would be possible to convert the daemon to a service, but that is beyond the scope of this post.

nomachine ubuntu 20.04 nomachine ubuntu 20.04

PulseAudio runs in the user space and requires active logon to work. Please Note: These instructions will not work if your VM is configured for auto logon. Once you have completed the operating system installation, run the software updater (in the apps menu) until everything is patched to the newest version. Deploy the VM as outlined in the original document choosing the 20.04 version instead. I’ve spent a lot of time getting pass-through sound working in 20.04. PulseAudio requires an enhanced XRDP session to work. When you connect to it from the Hyper-V manager you are directly viewing the machine’s console. The 20.04 edition of Ubuntu is not running XRDP (Linux RDP Server) by default. I believe most of the people that have issues are choosing the 20.04 version of Ubuntu when deploying their Hyper-V VM. It has been brought to my attention that the instructions do not work for everyone. In a previous article I explained how to use PulseAudio with XRDP to allow your Ubuntu Hyper-V VM to pass audio through your host machine’s sound system.

Nomachine ubuntu 20.04